On February 25th, the “International Day of Prayer for the Basque People” will begin again for the 13th consecutive year, an initiative that is based on blessing and interceding for this region. From February 25th and for the following 6 Saturdays, we will travel to the different provinces and pray together with the brothers and sisters in the area.
Motto: Praying in the spirit (Ephesians 6:18)
Starting time: 10:30 a.m.
More info: 680 690 856 (Juan) or info@iglesiaevangelicaamara.com
Days and places:
25th February, Gipuzkoa: Ermita de la Antigua, Zumarraga
04th March, Mauleón: Château de Mauleón, Mauleón
11th March, Navarra: (place to be defined)
18th March, Basse Navarre: Behasque church, Saint-Palais
25th March, Araba: (place to be defined)
01th April, Labourd: Croix de Mouguerre, Mouguerre
08th April, Bizkaia: Artxanda, Bilbo
16th April International Day of Prayer for the Basque People